Siri Dreamer


Hey, my name is Siri.
I'm a 21 years old mangaka and illustrator and the author of the manga "MUTANT"


About me:
My name is Siri and I'm a 21 years old physics student and manga artist from Germany.
I've been interested in manga and anime since I was a kid, but only on the side. My main interest is physics and astrophysics.
I taught myself how to draw manga because I never had anyone to teach me TwT (Please don't be surprised if my manga structure is weird, I'm still a beginner lol)
I‘m a very shy person so I’m not good at communicating with people. That's why I'm planning to publish my manga online only at the moment, and I'm not used to partnering with other publishers.
If you still want to give me some tips on how to improve the structures/character art of my manga, feel free to contact me on social media.
But I hope you are still interested in my manga :)Extra notes:- Reposting of my work requires credit!
- I‘m learning Japanese and look forward to working with you.


Kapitel 1 ist noch in Arbeit und wurde noch nicht veröffentlicht. Daher ist dieses Angebot vorerst geschlossen. Sobald Kapitel 1 veröffentlicht ist, könnt ihr es hier auf dieser Seite sehen.
Ich bitte um eure Geduld!

Coming soon…

Chapter 1 is still in progress and has not yet been published. This offer is therefore closed for the time being. As soon as chapter 1 is published, you will be able to see it here on this page.
Please be patient.

Coming soon…

第 1 章はまだ進行中であり、まだ公開されていません。そのため、この募集は当面の間終了させていただきます。第 1 章が公開され次第、このページでご覧いただけます。

Coming soon…

The story of MUTANT is a science fiction and horror manga set in the year 2177.
For over 100 years the world has had to fight creatures that eat people. These monsters are called mutants. The protagonist is a nameless little boy who has been abused as an experiment. A very famous scientist named Rick Smith finds this little boy one day. Rick found out that the little one has abilities, but he didn't expect how special his abilities are.

MUTANTは2177年を舞台にしたSFホラー漫画である。100年以上もの間、世界は人を食べる生物と戦わなければならなかった。これらの怪物はミュータントと呼ばれている。主人公は実験台として虐待されてきた名もなき少年。ある日、リック・スミス (Rick Smith)という超有名な科学者がこの少年を見つける。リック・スミスは、その小さな少年が能力を持っていることを発見しましたが、その能力がどれほど特別であるかを予想していませんでした。

[email protected]

Please don't use my email to make small talk with me! If you want to do that, please send me a DM on Instagram, Discord or Twitter (X).My email address is exclusively for business inquiries and other relevant matters related to manga or projects, as well as translations of my manga.
If you would like to talk to me about business collaborations or similar projects, please contact me at [email protected]. Thank you for your understanding.

世間話のためのメールはご遠慮ください!その場合はInstagram、Discord、Twitter (X)  のDMを送ってください。私のメールアドレスは、仕事のお問い合わせや、マンガやプロジェクトに関連するその他の重要な事項、そして私のマンガの翻訳にのみ使用されます。
ビジネス提携や同様のプロジェクトについてお話ししたい場合は、[email protected] までお気軽にご連絡ください。ご理解いただきありがとうございます。